Why Branding Is Worthless Without Positioning
“The rebranding Itch” It usually happens before a significant company milestone or event – an important conference, a new product launch, a merger. It’s called “the rebranding itch”. Someone, usually...
Why Answering The Question “Why Now?” Is Crucial For Your Go-To-Market
To prevail, answer this one question You‘ve got it under control. You feel you are 100% ready. You’re about to step into your soon-to-be customer’s office, equipped with a product that will undoubted...
Ensuring Trade Shows ROI : 7 Rules To Live By
Trade shows and conferences season is right around the corner. Summer is the time for decision making and quickly start with the very rigorous process of preparing everything that you need to ensure t...
How To Create A Great Sales Presentation For B2B Tech Products
Developing a good sales presentation to sell B2B tech products is one of the most difficult challenges for a content marketer. Sales and marketing see things differently, and a sales presentation is t...
How To Create Email Content That Engages And Drives To Action
In 2013, marketers sent over 838 billion emails, according to Forrester Research . However, the average click-through rate for B2B marketing emails in Q2 2013 was 1.7%. Emails are the most common form...
Marketing And Sales Performance: Are You On The Right Track?
Often we encounter organizations, especially on the SMB side, having a hard time with the term “marketing-sales alignment”. Sometimes they see marketing as an after-thought, not focusing on marketing ...
Product-Market Fit: The Validation Stage
This is a summary of a presentation from a talk Natan and I gave to startups at a Grant Thornton event last week. This presentation focuses on the crucial point in every startup’s journey where the...
5 Tips For Your Webinar’s Content Marketing
According to the Content marketing Institute, 61% of B2B marketers rate Webinars as the most effective content marketing tactic. Webinars not only position you as a thought leader, they are also highl...
Marketing And Sales Misalignment: 3 Principles For Effective Change
In an interview earlier this year, Lori Wizdo , a B2B marketing analyst at Forrester Research, claimed that in large global companies, only 5 to 15 percent of the sales pipeline comes from marketing. ...
The Magic Of Low-Touch Sales
The concept of a low-touch sales approach is not new, it’s been around for years. David Skok named it a few years back “the touchless conversion sales model” – a most accurate name. However, in the p...
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